The 12 Best Things to Do in Munich, Germany

Things to do in Munich, Germany. Picture overlooking Marienplatz

We spent three nights in the Bavarian capital, sipping on German beer, scoffing pretzels, and other things.

Munich is located in southern Germany and is Bavaria’s beating heart and capital.

Bavaria is the largest state in Germany and about as close to what you might consider ‘traditional Germany’ as you will get – think lederhosen, German beer, cows with bells and fairytale castles.

Munich is also Germany’s third-largest city, with a population of almost 1.5 million people.

Things to Do in Munich

1 | Walk the City

Number 1 of our things to do in Munich is to walk.

We don’t often recommend catching public transport other than to and from the airport because you usually miss the details of the place you are visiting.

Details make the place—the things that add character to a place, you know?

Thankfully, most things to do in the city are relatively central.

If you like music, Munich has many street performers, from individuals playing the accordion to full-on bands with pianos and cellos!

But they aren’t all in the most obvious places, so get those feet moving, and you might find them in the most random places.

2 | Play an Escape Room

Another highly rated thing to do in Munich and almost everywhere we travel is to play an escape room.

We first discovered them when we travelled to Budapest and fell in love with the challenge they present.

In Munich, we opted for the Fox in a Box escape room.

There wasn’t much rhyme or reason other than that we found it quickly on Google and that it was available when we wanted to play.

Without a doubt, it was the most challenging escape room we have done.

It wasn’t easy; we didn’t make it out in time.

We opted to play Bunker 17 escape room.

So, if you fancy a strong challenge or are good at escape rooms, give it a go!

Despite the difficulty, it’s hard to be disappointed when so much effort goes into the room design – Bunker 17 at Fox in a Box was one of the best-themed rooms we’ve attempted.

You can find out more about Fox in a Box here.

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3 | Climb the Spire at St. Peter’s Church

If walking around the city and getting the miles down wasn’t enough, head to St Peter’s Church.

You’ll find 14 flights of stairs to get you to the top.

It’s a fair way up, and it’s worth the effort.

You are rewarded with stunning panoramic views over Munich and the iconic view into Marienplatz.

Be aware there is no disabled access to the top – access is only via the stairs.

On your way down, you’ll find yourself inside the church, where you can wander around and enjoy another of Munich’s massive array of churches.

To get to the tower, head from Marienplatz and take the turning immediately after St. Peter’s Church.

You’ll find a little hut at the entrance where you can buy your tickets.

4 | Drink German Beer at Hofbraühaus

Would a trip to Germany be complete without drinking some German beer?

There is no better place to get a flavour of German beer than in the heart of Bavaria, and that’s why it’s a must-do in Munich.

You can get beer almost anywhere because it’s a large part of German culture, but to get the best experience, you must visit Hofbraühaus.

Brauhaus translates to English as brewery or brewhouse.

In Hofbraühaus, you will find not only fresh, tasty German beer but also an experience.

Here’s what you might describe as a brass band playing traditional German music that fills Hofbraühaus with atmosphere, traditional German food, including pretzels, and some tasteful wall art.

You will notice people walking around selling pretzels, and we recommend you buy one.

They are massive, so you might want to share!

Hofbraühaus itself is also huge.

We don’t think we’ve been into a larger drinking establishment than this.

Historical sidenote – Adolf Hitler announced the official program of the Nazi Party to a meeting of around 2,000 people at the Hofbräuhaus on 24 February 1920.

5 | Explore the Englischer Garten

A superb green space called Englischer Garten is next to the city.

In the Englischer Garten, beer gardens, a Chinese restaurant, a Chinese tower, waterfalls, rivers, and a replica Greek temple were built for Ludwig 1.

So, if you’re after a bit of a change from the city and fancy some green space and a long walk, this is the place to go.

You might even spot some surfers on the River Isar at Eisbach.

That’s right – surfers!

The Eisbach wave surfaced in 1972 but wasn’t officially permitted until 2010.

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6 | Visit Residentzmuseum

Residentzmuseum is quite frankly a work of art and is an absolute must on your list of things to do in Munich.

If you did any research on things to do in Munich before you arrived here, we’re sure this place will have popped up.

It has a classic Instagram shot: the ridiculously ornate Antiquarium.

Residentzmuseum, or Munich Residence, was home to the rulers from the House of Wittelsbach, who governed Bavaria as dukes and electors from the 17th century and kings from 1806 to 1918.

It opened as a museum in 1920, and you can see some surviving artefacts from some Bavarian rulers.

Although you can’t access everywhere through the building, it’s still pretty large, so consider allowing an hour or two to get around it.

It would help if you also made the effort to walk around it to appreciate the architecture fully.

There’s also a free audio tour guide, which is worth collecting.

7 | Viktualingmarket

The Viktualingmarket is a food market located right next to Marienplatz.

It’s full of food & drink and atmosphere.

There is a lot on offer, from gifts to fresh fruit and vegetables, to honey and everything in between.

8 | Marienplatz

Marienplatz is a must for things to do in Munich.

It’s probably unavoidable! It’s the heart of Munich and somewhere you will no doubt find yourself returning to again and again.

Like any excellent town square, Marienplatz is a hotspot for eateries, cafes and bars and is also home to Munich New Town Hall.

Munich’s New Town Hall is an architectural dream modeled after Brussels’ Town Hall.

New Town Hall is home to the mayor of Munich, the city council, Ratskeller restaurant, legal library, and Rathaus-Glockenspiel, which chimes at 11 a.m. and 12 p.m.

9 | Enjoy the Churches

There are over 25 churches in Munich, of which a considerable amount are located in the city centre.

You will see them as you wander the streets, but they aren’t all so obvious.

We’ve already mentioned St. Peter’s Church as a thing to do in Munich, so it’s not on the list below.

Still, these churches are worth a visit, and they are all centrally located within easy reach of Marienplatz.


St. Michael’s Church


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10 | Walk the River Isar

The River Isar is a bit more than just a river to Munich.

It’s a bit of a recreational hotspot.

The River Isar flows for 14 km through Munich and offers the ability to swim, surf, kayak, canoe and even fish.

But suppose you’re not interested in getting in or on the water.

If so, you can relax on a beach, get your grill on, and barbecue some of those frankfurters, or run, cycle, or walk along the river if you fancy a bit of exercise or another way to navigate and see this incredible city.

11 | Eat Frankfurters and drink Gluhwein

So, the Frankfurter didn’t originate in Munich, but in Frankfurt, if you didn’t guess.

Nonetheless, if you fancy a bit of street food, these are relatively easy to find, and they usually come smoked or unsmoked.

Traditionally, they are made of pork and beef and heavily seasoned.

And if you happen to be there at the right time of year (or the wrong time, if you don’t like the cold!), you can get yourself a gluhwein to accompany it.

An odd mix, you may think, but the gluhwein will help to warm you up on those chilly Munich winter evenings.

12 | Wonder at the Endless Staircase

Last on our list of things to do in Munich is to visit the endless staircase.

Its real name is ‘Umschreibung’, the German word for ‘circumscription’ or ‘periphrasis’.

The endless staircase is located in a somewhat random spot in the courtyard of an office block, which happens to be the headquarters of KPMG Trust.

It was completed in 2004 and is the work of Olafur Eliasson.

If you’re a bit of a photographer or architecture geek, this is something you can’t miss.

Things to Do in Munich Map

Things to Do in Munich

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